Help Is On The Way.

On your darkest days, we’re your Silver Lining.

Restoration Services

Who We Are

We’re people, just like you. And we care about our clients.

Dustin Spear


Samus Spear

Social Media & Online Director

Sumer Johnson

Client Relationship Specialist

Benjamin Gregory


Angela Schmidt

Office Manager

Britt Hall

Project Manager

What Sets Us Apart?

Here are a few reasons why Silver Lining Restoration is the right choice.

Disaster Checklist

Are you prepared?

  1. Assess Immediate Safety: First, assess the immediate safety of your current location. If you are indoors, ensure you are away from windows, heavy objects, and potential hazards. If you are outdoors, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, and power lines.

  2. Follow Authorities’ Instructions: Pay close attention to local authorities’ instructions, such as evacuation orders or shelter-in-place directives. Follow these directives promptly and without hesitation.

  3. Emergency Shelter: If an evacuation is necessary, identify the nearest emergency shelter. These shelters are set up by local authorities and are designed to provide a safe place to stay during disasters. Familiarize yourself with their locations in advance if possible.

  4. Contact Loved Ones: Inform friends and family members of your whereabouts and safety status. Establish a communication plan or designated meeting point in case you get separated.

  5. Emergency Kit: Grab your emergency kit, which should include essential items like food, water, clothing, medication, important documents, and a flashlight. This kit will help you stay self-sufficient in case you are unable to return home immediately.

  6. Transportation: If you have access to a vehicle and it is safe to use, use it to reach a safer location. Ensure your vehicle is in good working order and has a full tank of gas.

  7. Pets and Livestock: Don’t forget about the safety of your pets and any livestock you may have. Plan for their evacuation or shelter needs as well.

  8. Stay Informed: Continuously monitor local news, weather alerts, and official updates. These sources will provide critical information on the status of the disaster and when it is safe to return home.

  9. Alternative Accommodations: If you can’t access an emergency shelter, consider alternative accommodations with friends, family, or in a hotel outside the affected area. Always prioritize safety and well-being.
  1. Shut Off Utilities: Turn off the main water, gas, and electricity supplies at their respective shut-off points. This prevents potential hazards such as gas leaks, electrical fires, or water damage in case of flooding.

  2. Secure Hazardous Materials: Safely store and secure any hazardous materials, chemicals, or flammable substances in a designated area away from potential sources of ignition. Follow proper storage guidelines.

  3. Anchor Heavy Objects: Secure heavy furniture, appliances, and objects that could topple or become projectiles during earthquakes or strong winds. Use anchors, straps, or braces as needed.

  4. Windows and Doors: Close and lock all windows, exterior doors, and garage doors. If possible, reinforce doors with barricades or hurricane shutters. Consider covering windows with plywood or storm-resistant shutters to prevent glass breakage.

  5. Roof and Gutters: Inspect your roof for loose or damaged shingles and repair them promptly. Clear gutters and downspouts to prevent water buildup and potential flooding.

  6. Outdoor Items: Secure or store outdoor furniture, grills, and other loose items that could be blown away or cause damage during high winds.

  7. Trim Trees and Shrubs: Trim branches and shrubs near your house to reduce the risk of them falling onto your property during a storm. Remove dead or weak branches that may pose a hazard.

  8. Backup Power: If you have a generator, ensure it is in good working order and has an adequate fuel supply. Test it regularly to confirm it can power essential appliances and equipment.

  9. Valuables and Documents: Safeguard important documents (e.g., passports, insurance policies, deeds) and valuable items by placing them in waterproof and fireproof containers. Consider creating digital backups of critical documents.

  10. Emergency Kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essential supplies, including food, water, first-aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and a battery-operated radio. Keep this kit easily accessible.

  11. Turn Off Appliances: Unplug non-essential appliances and electronics to protect them from electrical surges or fires caused by power fluctuations.

  12. Evacuation Plan: Familiarize yourself with your community’s evacuation routes and shelters. Have a plan for how and where you and your family will evacuate if necessary.

  13. Home Insurance: Ensure you have adequate home insurance coverage to protect your property in case of damage or loss. Review your policy and contact your insurance company for any necessary updates.

  14. Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts, including local authorities, utility companies, and neighbors, readily available.

  1. Identification Documents: Ensure you have access to valid identification documents for all household members, including driver’s licenses, passports, birth certificates, and Social Security cards.
  2. Financial Records: Collect financial documents such as bank statements, credit card information, mortgage records, and loan agreements. Keep copies of these records in a secure place.
  3. Insurance Policies: Make copies of all insurance policies, including homeowners or renters insurance, health insurance, and auto insurance. Review these policies to understand your coverage.
  4. Property Records: Gather property-related documents such as deeds, leases, and rental agreements. These are essential for proving ownership or occupancy.
  5. Medical Records: Collect copies of medical records, prescriptions, and vaccination records for all family members, including any necessary medical documents for pets.
  6. Emergency Contacts: Create a list of emergency contacts, including family members, friends, neighbors, and healthcare providers. Include their names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
  7. Utility Information: Keep copies of recent utility bills (e.g., water, gas, electricity) as proof of residence. These can be helpful when re-establishing services after a disaster.
  8. Financial Accounts: Document information about your financial accounts, such as account numbers, passwords, and contact information for banks and financial institutions.
  9. Tax Records: Maintain copies of recent tax returns and supporting documents. These records may be necessary for filing claims or obtaining disaster-related assistance.
  10. Legal Documents: Include legal documents such as wills, trusts, power of attorney, and advance healthcare directives. Ensure that these documents are up to date and accessible.
  11. Inventory of Valuables: Create an inventory of valuable possessions, including descriptions, photographs, and estimated values. This will aid in filing insurance claims.
  12. Backup Digital Files: Make electronic copies of important documents and store them securely on a portable external hard drive, USB drive, or cloud storage service. Password-protect sensitive files.
  13. Emergency Cash: Keep a small amount of emergency cash in a secure location. ATMs and banking services may be unavailable during and after disasters.
  14. Contact Information: Write down contact information for local emergency services, including police, fire, and medical facilities. Include non-emergency numbers as well.
  15. Personal Records: Gather personal records such as marriage certificates, divorce decrees, and custody agreements, if applicable.
  16. Insurance Agent Contact: Have contact information for your insurance agent readily available for quick reporting of any damage.
  17. School Records: If you have children, make copies of their school records, including report cards, transcripts, and immunization records.
  18. Pet Records: Keep records of vaccinations, medical history, and identification for your pets.
  19. Safe Storage: Store physical copies of these documents in a waterproof and fireproof container or a secure, easily transportable container such as a lockable filing cabinet.
  20. Digital Backup: Consider scanning and storing important documents digitally, password-protected and encrypted, on a secure USB drive or in cloud storage accessible from anywhere.
  1. Receipt Categories: Categorize and organize your receipts into essential categories such as:

    • Emergency Expenses: This includes receipts for items purchased immediately before or after the disaster, such as emergency supplies (food, water, first-aid kits), temporary lodging, and transportation costs.

    • Property Repairs: Document all expenses related to repairing or restoring your property, including receipts for materials, labor, and contractor services.

    • Medical Expenses: Keep receipts for medical expenses incurred due to injuries or health issues resulting from the disaster. This includes hospital bills, medications, and healthcare services.

    • Temporary Living Expenses: If you need to stay in temporary accommodations like hotels or rental properties, retain receipts for lodging, food, and other related expenses.

    • Replacement of Essential Items: Save receipts for items replaced or repaired, such as furniture, appliances, clothing, and personal belongings.

    • Insurance Payments: Maintain records of insurance premium payments, and keep copies of all communication with your insurance company.

  2. Digital Scans or Photos: Consider scanning or taking photos of your physical receipts using a smartphone or scanner app. Store these digital copies securely in cloud storage or on a password-protected external device.

  3. Organize Physical Copies: Keep physical copies of your receipts in a waterproof and fireproof container or a designated folder or envelope, making them easily accessible when needed.

  4. Label and Date: Ensure each receipt is clearly labeled with the date of purchase, the vendor’s name, and a brief description of the item or service purchased.

  5. Record Details: Alongside your receipts, maintain a detailed record or log that includes additional information, such as the reason for the expense, the name of the person who made the purchase, and any associated insurance claim numbers.

  6. Secure Storage: Store both physical and digital copies of receipts in a safe and secure location that is easily retrievable. Consider having duplicate copies stored at a separate, off-site location or with a trusted family member or friend.

  7. Periodic Review: Regularly review and update your receipt records, adding new receipts as needed and disposing of unnecessary or outdated ones to maintain an organized record.

  8. Backup Your Digital Records: Ensure your digital receipts are backed up securely, so you can access them even if your primary device is damaged or inaccessible.

  1. Immediate Notification: As soon as it’s safe to do so, contact your insurance company. Most insurance policies have a requirement for timely reporting of damage. Find the contact information for your insurance company on your policy documents or their website.

  2. Policy Information: Be ready to provide your insurance policy number, effective dates, and any other relevant details. Having this information at hand will expedite the claims process.

  3. Detailed Documentation: Carefully document the damage to your property and belongings. Take clear photographs and videos that capture the extent of the damage. Make a detailed inventory of all damaged or lost items, including descriptions, estimated values, and purchase dates if possible.

  4. Temporary Repairs: If necessary to prevent further damage (e.g., covering a damaged roof with a tarp), make temporary repairs and document them. Keep all receipts for these emergency repairs.

  5. Loss Mitigation: Follow your insurance company’s guidance on steps to mitigate further damage. They may provide specific instructions on how to protect your property.

  6. Claim Initiation: Contact your insurance company’s claims department and provide them with a detailed account of the damage and losses. Be prepared to answer questions about the cause of the damage and the circumstances surrounding the disaster.

  7. Claim Number: Ensure you receive a claim number and the contact information of the claims adjuster who will be assigned to your case. Keep these details handy for future reference.

  8. Policy Review: Ask your insurance company to review your policy with you to understand the coverage limits, deductibles, and any specific requirements or exclusions related to the type of disaster.

  9. Request Advance Payments: If you require immediate financial assistance for accommodations, food, or other necessities, inquire about the possibility of receiving advance payments from your insurance company.

  10. Document Communication: Keep a record of all communication with your insurance company, including dates, times, names of representatives spoken to, and summaries of discussions. This documentation can be invaluable if there are disputes or discrepancies.

  11. Follow-up: Regularly follow up with your insurance company to check the status of your claim, provide additional information if requested, and ensure that your needs are being addressed promptly.

  12. Additional Support: Inquire about additional support services that your insurance company may offer, such as temporary housing arrangements, preferred vendors for repairs, or access to disaster recovery resources.

  13. Stay Informed: Stay informed about your rights as a policyholder and any deadlines or requirements imposed by your insurance company. Seek legal or professional advice if you encounter issues with your claim.

  14. Review the Settlement: Carefully review any settlement offers provided by your insurance company, ensuring they cover the full extent of your losses. Do not hesitate to negotiate or seek clarification if needed.

  1. Emergency Contact: Ensure you have our company’s emergency contact information readily available. This should include our 24/7 hotline and any alternative contact methods, such as email addresses or a dedicated disaster response portal.

  2. Immediate Notification: As soon as it’s safe to do so, contact our restoration team. We understand the urgency of your situation and are here to provide immediate assistance.

  3. Provide Details: When calling, provide us with as much information as possible about the disaster and the extent of the damage. Include details such as the type of disaster (fire, water damage, storm damage, etc.), the affected areas, and any safety concerns.

  4. Safety First: Prioritize safety for yourself and your occupants. If there are immediate safety concerns, such as structural damage or electrical hazards, inform us so that we can advise you accordingly.

  5. Follow Our Guidance: Our experienced professionals will guide you through the initial steps to mitigate further damage and ensure safety. Follow our recommendations on what actions to take until our restoration team arrives on-site.

  6. Document Damage: If it’s safe to do so, document the damage by taking clear photographs and videos. This documentation can assist in the assessment and insurance claims process.

  7. Stay Informed: Stay connected with our team for updates on our estimated arrival time and the restoration process. We will keep you informed throughout the entire restoration journey.

  8. Discuss Restoration Plan: Once our team arrives, we will assess the damage and work with you to develop a comprehensive restoration plan. This plan will outline the steps and timelines for restoring your home or business to its pre-disaster condition.

  9. Insurance Assistance: If you are planning to file an insurance claim, our team can provide support by documenting the damage, preparing necessary documentation, and liaising with your insurance company to ensure a smooth claims process.

  10. Regular Communication: We understand the importance of clear communication during the restoration process. Our team will maintain open lines of communication with you, providing progress updates and addressing any concerns or questions you may have.

  11. Restoration Timeline: We will provide you with a timeline for the restoration work, keeping you informed about milestones and completion dates.

  12. Final Walkthrough: Once the restoration is complete, we will conduct a final walkthrough with you to ensure your satisfaction with the results.

  13. Customer Support: Our commitment to you doesn’t end with the restoration. We are here to provide ongoing support and assistance, including addressing any post-restoration concerns or additional needs.

Client Testimonials


Hear from real people who have used Silver Lining Restoration.


Leigh Steele
Leigh Steele
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I recently had the pleasure of working with Silver Lining Restoration and I am beyond impressed with the exceptional services they provided. From start to finish, their team demonstrated professionalism, expertise, and genuine commitment to restoring my home to its pre-loss condition. They assessed the damage thoroughly and explained the entire restoration process in a clear and understandable manner. Their expertise gave me confidence that my home was in capable hands. They went above and beyond to accommodate my schedule, preferences, and concerns. It was evident that they prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to make the restoration experience as smooth as possible even during a very stressful time. I wholeheartedly recommend Silver Lining for anyone in need of home restoration services.
Ted Shepard
Ted Shepard
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We lost a roof and had interior damage from a storm in 2022 and were put in touch with Dustin and his crew. They got the place secured right away and contacted my insurance adjuster to get the remediation process started. Silver Lining Restoration handled everything for us and made a very stressful process a little easier. They did remediation, renovations, handled sub trades and dealt with the insurance for us. In the end our place was as good as new and we're very happy. I would highly recommend Silver Lining Restoration. Thanks Dustin, Ben and Samus
Sean Goldenstein
Sean Goldenstein
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I can't say enough good things about this company. My wife and I were getting the run around fron two different general contractors and our insurance company. After much frustration I was given the number to Silver Lining Restoration and was taken care of very well right away. We scheduled a meeting at my house and Dustin the owner was 15 minutes early and waiting for me to walk my house. He and his team were very proffesional and diligent about their process and got back to me within a few days with my report. Silver Lining Restoration also helped me with my insurance agaent and got me the appropiate amount of funds to complete my work. I highly recommend Silver Lining Restoration to anyone who has had a flood or any type of damage to their home.
Dr. Tracey Ryder
Dr. Tracey Ryder
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I can’t say enough good things about Silver Lining Restoration. No one ever wants to be in the position to have to call, but because an awful situation in our house, we did. Dustin and his team were so caring and understanding of our needs. We needed a lot of repairs after our pipes burst in our house. They were prompt, professional and were very empathetic to our emotional state. I would highly recommend Silver Lining Restoration, they turned our awful situation into just a bump in the road.

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